Federico García

Appears in: Filmmakers

Federico García Hurtado 1937 Peruvian film director . He is a journalist , filmmaker and film distributor among indigenous communities of Cuzco. Begins filming informative news with Indigenous issues . From 1972 to 1976 makes several documentaries and starts in the feature film Kuntur Wachana (1977 ) .Galardonado the International Press Prize at the Festival of Biarritz. In 1978 he founded the production company Film Kuntur . Directed inter Laulico (1979); Melgar , the rebel poet (1982 ); Tupac Amaru (1983 ) , in co-production with Cuba , which gets the Golden Bochica Biennale I Bogotá Film ; The partner of God ( 1987) and Manzanita (1989 ) .
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