Honoring the Stones

Honoring the Stones is an exciting debut book by a man in mid-life seeking a primal vision of unity through the metaphor of stone. These poems tell the story of a boy's deep engagement with the world of nature, his desire to honor the Earth, pay homage to his mother, and to fulfill her wish that he learn who he is and where he comes from. Rich in his use of mythology, his Irish heritage and his memories of the Texas border country, the author calls on the use of Spanish, Nahuatl, and Gaelic to expand his ethnic boundaries as he seeks connection with the ancient past.

Though the poems can stand alone as well-wrought lyrics, together they narrate a life-long spiritual quest for peace and understanding.


  • Author James O'Hern



How Forests Think

“Can forests think? Do dogs dream? In this astonishing book, Eduardo Kohn challenges the very foundations of anthropology, calling into question our central assumptions about what it means to be human—and thus distinct from all other life forms. Based on four years of fieldwork among the Runa of Ecuador’s Upper Amazon, Eduardo Kohn draws on his rich ethnography to explore how Amazonians interact with the many creatures that inhabit one of the world’s most complex ecosystems. Whether or not we recognize it, our anthropological tools hinge on those capacities that make us distinctly human. However, when we turn our ethnographic attention to how we relate to other kinds of beings, these tools (which have the effect of divorcing us from the rest of the world) break down. How Forests Think seizes on this breakdown as an opportunity. Avoiding reductionistic solutions, and without losing sight of how our lives and those of others are caught up in the moral webs we humans spin, this book skillfully fashions new kinds of conceptual tools from the strange and unexpected properties of the living world itself. In this groundbreaking work, Kohn takes anthropology in a new and exciting direction–one that offers a more capacious way to think about the world we share with other kinds of beings.”

-University of California Press


  • Author Eduardo Kohn
  • Publisher University of California Press



The Falling Sky

The Falling Sky is a remarkable first-person account of the life story and cosmo-ecological thought of Davi Kopenawa, shaman and spokesman for the Yanomami of the Brazilian Amazon. Representing a people whose very existence is in jeopardy, Davi Kopenawa paints an unforgettable picture of Yanomami culture, past and present, in the heart of the rainforest--a world where ancient indigenous knowledge and shamanic traditions cope with the global geopolitics of an insatiable natural resources extraction industry.”

-The Harvard Press


  • Author Davi Kopenawa
  • Author Bruce Albert
  • Translated by Nicholas Elliott
  • Translated by Alison Dundy
  • Publisher University of Harvard Press



O Perro O Gato

The book is built from a creative perspective between the poet Norma Ramírez and the illustrator Fernanda Vicuña who manage to unite their different arts in the construction of this book of poems and short stories that give account of an intense family cosmogony with a prologue by Cecilia Vicuña.





    Educare/educate is an Oysi book that includes new essays and interviews about listening, hearing, and learning. This volume includes essays and interviews from Cecilia Vicuña about what Oysi is and how it has evolved.


    Credits from Books:

    A Precarious Education in the Creative Sense, Entrevista a Cecilia Vicuña. Conversations, La Escuela, 2021. https://laescuela.art/en/campus/library/conversations/a-precarious-education-in-the-creative-sense-cecilia-vicuna


    The School of Listening the IM pulse of the POSSIBLE, 09.03.22, Transcription of the oral speech.                     https://laescuela.art/en/campus/auditorium/auditorium-cecilia-vicuna




      English and Spanish

      Diario estúpido

      Diario estúpido collects fragments of the more than 1700 pages written by the artist between 1966 and 1971, when she set herself a daring challenge: to capture daily her most intimate reflections on creation, spirituality, politics, the indigenous cosmovision, and pop music, among other topics.

      "In those years -Cecilia- forced herself to write at least one page every day, typed, as a 'stupid' creative exercise: to let the words and images of her visions about herself, others, the world, and existence come out freely", sentences journalist Marcela Fuentealba, in the introduction to this volume.

      "In the difficult task of discriminating the texts, we privileged those at the same time close and alive", says Fuentealba, commenting that these poems, despite being written more than fifty years ago, still reflect the passion, humor, criticism, and strength that have characterized Cecilia Vicuña.

      In this way, Diario estúpido delves into the artist's most genuine imagination and exposes her concerns about topics as varied as the catastrophes experienced by the people, the role of poetry, and the influence she received from figures such as Violeta Parra and other authors of the time: "In the meetings Enrique Lihn is my favorite hero / Listening to him speak I would stay for hours. His phrases seem / like great tangled palaces...".

      These pages also reveal a tormented and deeply reflective Cecilia Vicuña. In that sense, the work reveals an artist in full formation: "I am disillusioned with myself: I have not created anything worthwhile / nor a mythology or cosmogony of love. Nor a poetic treatise / at least," writes the author on April 27, 1967.

      Against this, during the presentation, Rojas pointed out that the book opens a window to that key moment in the artist's life, that stage where the author explores and defines her steps in the field of creation: "It proposes a conversation about the previous moment before the author began her definitive journeys," said the academic. "It is a portrait of the young artist in full bloom," he said.


      • Author



      Una Mano Para Oir Pensamientos

      In this short book Ceciia Vicuña presents the notes leading up to her workshop 'Caleu está soñando', in Caleu, Chile, 1995.




      El Conejo Escriba

      Notes, Poems & Manifestos by James O'Hern. This is 'The Rabbit Scribe Series # 1 publication issued by Oysi Books.




      Chosto Ulloa y Santos Rubio. Dos cantores nombrados

      A new book by Claudio Mercado about the two great oral poets of Pirque, Chile.





      ​​'Albert' is an oral poem by James O'Hern, transcribed and translated into Spanish by Cecilia Vicuña, illustrated by Diego Neira, a 9 year old child from Caleu, Chile. It was created during Cecilia's workshop "Tugar Tugar" salir a buscar el sentido perdido" (Search and search for our lost meaning), in Caleu Chile, 2011.  


      • Authors:
      • Illustrator: Diego Neira

