Cecrea La Ligua

In the context of the retrospective exhibition "Soñar el agua" by Cecilia Vicuña, a group of children and young people are invited to be part of the Palabrarmas experience to create a collective graphic with words and papers. They use sets of 4 words of the artist and poet Cecilia Vicuña to build posters and take them to the streets: TRUTH (see and give), LIE (makes the mind pull), SOLIDARITY (sunshine and give and give), and PALABRARMA (the word is the only weapon allowed). It is facilitated by the visual artist Antonia Taulis.


Date and times

From May 25. 22 participants

Creative laboratory where children and adolescents map the places that are significant to them and connect with the memory of water and its value, linking it to the water situation in the province.


Experiencias Creativa Palabrarmas Verdad/ Mentira, facilitated by artist Antonia Taulis.

Date and times

June 23, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

19 participants