Sonido Rajado


Sonido Rajado or Torn Sound is the name created by the tradition of the Bailes Chinos of Chile for dissonant sound.  It is a unique sound in the world that has pushed dissonance to its extreme.

Oysi has created a label to honor the Sonido Rajado of Chile and other traditions of the world based on dissonance, and the artists that follow this principle.

José Pérez de Arce, the principal scholar on Sonido Rajado says this is "one of the most intriguing South Andean musical cultural achievements." Sonido Rajado "is a descriptive terms to designate the extremely strong, intense complex and energetic dissonant sound that is characteristic of these (Andean Pifilca) flutes". 


Pre-Columbian flute tuning in the southern andes




Sonido Rajado, a film by Cecilia Vicuña