ADANIA SHIBLI born in Palestine in 1974, has twice been awarded the Young Writer’s Award–Palestine by the A.M. Qattan Foundation, for her novels MASAAS (TOUCH, al-Adab: 2002), and KULLUNA BA’EED BETHAT AL MIQDAR ‘AN AL HUB (WE ARE ALL EQUALLY FAR FROM LOVE, al-Adab 2004). She has published short stories and essays in such literary magazines as Ramallah’s Al-Karmel, the Beirut literary periodicals Al-Adaab and Zawaya, and Alexandria’s Amkenah, among others. Many of these pieces have been translated into French, German, Italian, Hebrew, Korean, and English. English translations of her work have appeared or are forthcoming in the Iowa Review, Words Without Borders, and Banipal. Her play The Error has been staged at the Tristan Bates Theatre, London, and as part of the New Works festival at the New World Theater in Amherst, Massachusetts. Shibli has a Ph.D. in media and cultural studies from the University of East London. She currently lives in Berlin where she has a postdoctoral fellowship - Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin.