Rodrigo Montoya Rojas

Appears in: Activists

Born in Puquio in Ayacucho Andes in 1943, is an anthropologist and writer. Professor Emeritus at the University of San Marcos, Lima, for which he received his doctorate in 1970 also earned a doctorate in sociology from the University of Paris and is profsor visitor at several universities in Europe and America.

His most recent books are Multiculturalism and politics. Indigenous human rights, citizens and (SUR, Lima, 1998) and his first novel, The Time-(SUR, Lima, 1997). Other books include the edge of the wreck (Democracy, violence and ethnic problem in Peru) (SUR, Lima, 1992), For a bilingual education in Peru. Reflections on Culture and Socialism (Mosca Azul and CEPES, Lima, 1990), Fighting for land, agrarian reforms and capitalism in the twentieth century Peru (Mosca Azul, Lima, 1989), The Culture Quechua today (Bone Humerus, Lima, 1987), Capitalism and not capitalism in Peru (Mosca Azul, Lima, 1980), and the way the eminently capitalist character of the Peruvian economy (Mosca Azul, Lima, 1978). Also listed as co-author of several other books.

He is coauthor, with his brothers Luis and Edwin, of Urqukunapa yawarnin - Blood of the hills. Anthology of poetry that sings Quechua in Peru, which in its second edition appeared in five volumes (Editorial Universitaria, University Federico Villarreal, Lima 1998).

Rodrigo has published in sections Arguedas and trials of Ciberayllu.