Maria Ernandez Kokov

Appears in: Poets

María Ernándes Kokov (DOB unknown, Mexico, Tzoltzil Maya)

María Ernándes Kokov calls herself the "Defender of Angels" and has a "talking box," a commercialized version of an ancient Mayan oracle from which a saint speaks to her. The text of a speech from the box was taped in 1966 during an eclipse of the moon seen from her house on Huitepec Mounlain, near the antennas of Television Azteca and a traditional animistic shrine. The saint, named Pagresito, “Little Daddy,” spoke to her in a falsetto voice. Kokov takes care of the saint, intercedes with Pagresito, pleading for the interests of those who consult her, and performs cures.

PRINCIPAL WORKS: As an oral poet, most of her’ works were were not recorded.

The Talking Box Speaks / Xk”’’opoj jtotik ta laxa / La caja que habla.
Ambar Past, trans.

(Oxford Book of Latin American Poetry, p. 526)