Santos Rubio

Appears in: Musicians

Santos Saladier Rubio Morales (December 4th, 1938 - May 24th, 2011), better known as Santos Rubio, was a famous Chilean poet, popular singer, guitarist and a "payador." Santos Rubio was awarded the "Presidential" national music prize in Chile in 2004.

Despite being born blind and coming from a family of 13 brothers and sisters, Santos Rubio's early education was devoted to learning various instruments including the harp, accordion and guitar.
He was a pioneering force in introducing Chilean singers to new recording technologies. In the 50's, Rubio recorded an album, making friends with the folklorist Violeta Parra and Victor Jara.
Santos Rubio spent his final years spreading his art to children in Chile and teaching in the art department at the University of Chile.